

These handsome little guys are about to turn one!  Aren't they adorable?!

I'm Inspired!!


Well, today I did something totally fun, and completely different!  I had the privilege of working on a promotional shoot for Bria Pilates.

Bria Pilates is located off of 15th in Seattle's Interbay neighborhood.  It's beautiful, and light filled inside.  I was thrilled that even on this dark and raining day, I was able to shoot with natural light.

And, you should see what these ladies can do!! It was amazing!  I'm now totally inspired to try out Pilates myself.  I'm signing up... and maybe in a little while, my arms will look this awesome!!

Thanks to owner Misty Moon (fantastic name, I know!), and all the ladies at Bria, for a great afternoon!


So, I've been shooting a lot with this new white backdrop, and I've decided that I just love it!!!  I love how it takes what little light we get on these dark winter days, and bounces it all around the room.  I also love how simple it is.  Love.

Anyway.. here are some pics from my latest session with the lovely Nora.  Her family purchased my "First Year" package, and so I've been able to see her every few months since she was born.  One of my favorite things about that package is getting to watch these adorable little people grow!!  So much changes within that first year...  It's amazing!!

The Reese Ladies

I had such a great time at this family portrait session.  These ladies were a hoot!!  My favorite part was watching Little Miss here rock out to Lady Ga Ga.  If there is anything funnier than little kids dancing, I don't know what it is!!

I love my phone!!!!

I spent the afternoon at the beach with my family.  It was a beautiful Northwest afternoon, and I was a little disappointed that I hadn't brought my camera.  But luckily, I had my IPhone!! And was able to snap a few images of the fam hanging out on the beach!!!   
This is my son Dexter... isn't he adorable?!! husband Peter
 My other son Harvey!!!  He's pretty adorable too!
... me and Peter.  

Remember Summertime?

Today is one of those super dark and rainy days that we get here in Seattle in January.

I've been sleepy all day, and I  just want to sit on the couch and eat cookies.

To snap myself out of it.. I thought I'd post some pictures from summertime.  Remember summertime?  It was nice.

This picture cracks me up!


 I think it would be fun to publish an entire book or this sort of thing... all the silly stuff that goes on in-between, and behind the scenes of a photo shoot.  Working with kids and babies is a hoot!

Me and My Boys

My super talented sister-in-law Cat Thrasher, just posted some amazing pictures of me and my family on her blog! So fun to be on the other side of the camera.  You can check out the photos by clicking here.

Thanks Cat!!!  You rock!

The Mallet Family!!


Had the privilege of working with Christina Mallet and her adorable family today!  Christina is the talent behind Katrinka's Secret, and is an amazing photographer, and a dear friend of mine.

I was honored to be asked by Christina to shoot newborn photos of her adorable little daughter, Helena Gogo.  Helena was named after Christina's grandmother and her middle name Gogo means "first born daughter" in the Ghanaian tribal language Ewe (the language of Christina's husband's family)  Very cool!!

I had a great time working with the Mallets, and would like to say "congratulations" to Christina, Alex, and big brother Xander.... and "welcome to the world" to little Helena!!!

Check out who's in the new Seattle Bride!


Next time you are out and about, be sure to pick up the latest issue of Seattle Bride. Yours truly is on page 108!

This image was taken at the Maui Four Seasons, at the amazing wedding of Sonya and Michael DeLance.  I had the pleasure of working on this one with the lovely and talented Katy Griffiths of Vows Wedding & Event Planning, who transformed this hotel ballroom into a swanky, pink night club!!

I've added a couple of my favorite images from this wedding... but if you want to see even more, check out my wedding website at

A lesson on why one should never leave their children unattended


So, when my twins were toddlers, it felt like I couldn't let them out of my sight.  They needed constant supervision, and I feel like that is what I gave them.  But as they've grown, I've relaxed.  Now that they are coming up on five, I often give them time to play with out me around.  They enjoy the time alone, and so do I..... usually.

This morning started off just great!!  We were all in great moods, the boys were getting along exceptionally well, everything was perfect, so I thought nothing of it when they decided to go upstairs to play in their "art room".  I  took a shower, drank some coffee, checked in on my peeps on Facebook, all the while listening to the happy laughter of my beautiful boys coming from upstairs.  After about 30 minutes (ish) of this, I decided to go check in on them.  I was not prepared for what I found.  Two happy little boys COMPLETELY covered, head to toe, in paint. 

I did what any mother would do when faced with such a discovery... I grabbed my camera.  

Here they are, in the shower, just before the hose down.

The Savery Family


The Savery family came in to the studio the day after Christmas, when this little cutie was just a few days old.

We had a fantastic time at the shoot, and while working, I had one of those great moments, when I realize just how lucky I am to be doing what I do.  I have the best clients!  And a job that is so fun that I look forward to coming in, even while on vacation.

I love my job!!!

Congratulations Cat and Jim!

I had the pleasure of working with my brother Jim, and his fantastic wife Cat today!  Jim and Cat are expecting their first baby (a girl!!!) in March.  We are all very excited, as you can imagine.

I was a little nervous, as Cat is an amazing photographer herself (check out her work at but am very happy with how the shoot turned out.  Here are a few of my favorites!

Flash Back

Every January, I go through all the images that I've taken of my family over the year, and choose my favorites for the family album.  I love going back over all that we've done, and seeing how much my boys have changed.   It's such a relaxing thing to do.

These are a couple images that I took on our trip to the coast, way back in July.  It was Harvey and Dexter's first trip to the ocean, and they had a blast!!  My husband and I had a blast too :)

I love this photo!

I usually stay away from posting nude photos, but I just love this image so much, I had to share.  There is something so amazing about the way the light glows this time of year!  And my client is just stunning!

New Year, New Blog!

So my sister in law (the lovely and talented Cat is in town, and she set me up with this great new blog!!!  I'm so excited, and am looking forward to a fantastic new year full of wonderful clients to blog about!!!  Woohoo!!!