sneak peak from today's portrait session


Look how cute this little sweet pea is!  She was so fun and so easy to work with.  And look at those eyes!!!  Just too cute!

I love this picture :)


Me, By Christina

It's been about five years since I've had any professional head shots taken.  I know it's so silly, but I really hate having my picture taken.  I know......

Anyway, I needed some new pics, so I called in the big guns, and asked the super talented Christina Mallet of Katrinka's Secret to take them for me.  I just wanted something fun and simple, and I think she did a great job!

Thanks Christina!!!

Sweet Little Pea!!

Happy Easter


Maternity Shoot in Sunny Seattle!!

I think this little guy is so adorable!

His Mommy is pretty adorable too!

So Pretty!

Isn't she just the cutest little sweet pea!!

Urban Farming

It's finally starting to feel like spring around here, which means, it's time to plant the garden.

 Harvey and Dexter were in charge of planting the peas
 .... I'll be thinning those down later  :)
Our chickens, Peep and Charlie, resting in the sun after a long day of digging and scratching.

Newborn Twins

There is really nothing to say.... just too adorable for words

Easter Time!!!

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I LOVE holidays.  I'm the kind of person who decorates for Christmas as soon as the Thanksgiving meal is done.  And I love Easter!  It's one of my all time favorites. I love the stories (both the Easter and the Passover stories are big hits with me), I love all of the pretty pastel colors, and I love the candy (naturally).  So I'm so excited that Easter time is upon us.

Luckily for me, my boys share my enthusiasm for these events.  I told them that we were going to dye eggs today and they could hardly wait!  We started this project at about 7:30 this morning... and I'm sure we'll do it again tomorrow!!

 Here we go!  And by the way.... Harvey is wearing a blue feather head band because he made himself a "Blue Macaw" costume (we saw Rio over the weekend)
 ah the brown egg.... It started out white, but after multiple color baths, it ended up like this :)
 Decorating the eggs with stickers (yes, Dexter is sitting on the table... )

Harvey, happy with the way his egg turned out!

This is Harvey's favorite new picture face.  I say "Hey... look at me and smile", and he does this.  Charming.
 Dexter left this egg in the dye for about 30 minutes, which for a four year old is a very long time!!  He was very pleased with the result.

And the finished product.  Looks like tomorrow we will be having egg salad sandwiches.  Can't wait!!

I Love My Job!

I had the privilege of hanging out with this little man today.  I think he is so completely adorable!!!  And he was so great to work with... I really do just love my job.

My Boys!

Aren't they just so adorable!?  I really could not love these kids anymore!!!

Baby Lulu!

I just returned home from a fantastic trip to Virginia, where I met my new niece Lulu!!!  Isn't she a dream boat?!  I'm completely in love, and miss her already!

As many of you know, Lulu's mother (my sister-in-law... the amazing Cat Thrasher) is also a photographer... so naturally, we spent one afternoon up at Cat's studio where I snapped some of these images.

It's always a pleasure shooting Cat.  She is just so much fun in front of the camera! 
And here is the entire family!!!  So adorable!

I Love Moonphoto!!!

Moonphoto has been my favorite photo lab here in Seattle for a long time.  I love it so much in fact, that one of the reasons we bought the house that we did was because it is within walking distance of Moonphoto.  Bob and the gang do all of the printing for my business and for me personally.  I love those folks, and once again, their awesomeness is shining through.

So, about two weeks ago now, my brother Jim and his wife Cat had their little baby girl.  They named her Lulu.  Such a great name, right?!  Well, it so happens that Lulu was named after another special lady in our family, Lulu Williams.  Lulu Williams was my Dad's grandmother, and pretty much raised him.

When we learned that Jim and Cat had decided to name the new baby "Lulu", my mom and I thought it would be fun to find some pictures of Jim when he was a baby with the original Lulu.... and we did.  The only problem was that they were taken way back in the early 1970's and stuck in one of those old albums with the sticky pages to keep photos in place.  And boy oh boy are they stuck!  We learned quickly that we would not be able to get them out without ripping the photo.  Also, they are all damaged and faded by time.  Total bummer.

I decided to take the album up to Bob at Moonphoto and let him have a look.  He was able to work a little Bob magic, and fixed them for me!!  How great is that!?  Now I have pretty new prints, and I plan on giving them to the new Lulu when I meet her tomorrow!!!

Thanks Bob!!  You rock!!

Here is the before (that is Grandma Lulu, my Dad, and my brother Jim)
And here is the after (Bob and I decided that it looked better in black and white)  


I'm feeling a little sleepy this morning.

A Little Bit of Sun!


It has been a very rainy week here in Seattle.  And not the misty kind of rain that we usually get.  I'm talking big ol' drops of pouring rain.  That is what was going on as I drove to this shoot today... big huge raindrops coming down in sheets.  I wasn't happy about it at all.  But then, as soon as I pulled up to my client's house, the clouds parted, and the sun came out!!!  It was glorious.  We all ran outside and got down to business.  These little monkeys were great to work with... and the sun stayed with us until we were all done.  Mother nature was kind to me. 

 As I said goodbye to my clients, and drove away, it began to rain again.  But this time, I was ok with it.