Cute Baby Parade!!!

Over the past two weeks, there has been a steady stream of adorable babies making their way into my studio.  It's kind of great.  So I've decide that this week's blog posts will be a virtual cute baby parade!!  Cute babies all week... you lucky people!!!

This adorable little one totally stared me down her entire shoot.  It was kind of funny.  I can't decide if she thought I was interesting, or if she was just giving me the stink eye.  Isn't she the cutest!

The Jobe Family

This is Ava.  She and her family come in a least once a year for photos.  I adore her.  Yesterday, she brought me a beautiful picture that she drew, and told me that I was "the nicest girl EVER!"  She's awesome.

This year, Ava was joined by her brother Rex.  And let me tell you.  This little guy is every bit as adorable as his big sister.  Check out his cute little tooth!!!  LOVE!

I'm all ready looking forward to seeing them all again in the fall.

Sneak Peak!


I had the pleasure of photographing little Caleb here on the day he was born.  He was adorable then, and  he's adorable now!!  Look at those eyes!!  What a little dream boat!!

Picture Perfect Pregnancy

Happy Friday!!

I hope you all have a wonderful three day weekend!!!

I love this....


Welcome to the world William!!!


I would love to send a great big congratulations out to my dear friends Tanya and Todd (and big brother Ben), who welcomed little William Jay Davis Schulte into the world today.  He's a beauty, and I feel so honored to have been asked to be a part of this amazing day!

Film... the Sequel

I posted some film photos of my boys a couple of weeks ago.  I had so much fun shooting it again, and got such an enthusiastic response from the photos I posted, that I decide to shoot a little bit more.  This time I took it in studio.

These wonderful people were kind enough to let me experiment a bit at their family photo session.  It was fun, and I love the way they turned out.

Now I'm wondering if there are others out there who, like me, love the grain and texture of film, and who've missed it.  I'm thinking about offering it as an add on to my summer sessions....  Would love to hear your thoughts.



Ok... I know I already posted some pictures of cute little Penny last week.  But we just can't get enough of her!  She's just too darn adorable.  So here are a few more.  Enjoy!

The DeLance Family


The DeLances!  I shot their amazing wedding in Maui about two years ago (one of the photos from that gorgeous wedding was featured in Seattle Bride back in January).  Since then they've had two beautiful children.  The newest little DeLance is just two weeks old.  I was so looking forward to meeting her, and, as always, had a wonderful time working with them all!!!  Here is a little sneak peak from our Saturday morning photoshoot.

Ok... so here's the deal...

........I think my clients actually do have the cutest babies!!  For reals!!  This week has just been one completely adorable child after another.  I don't even know what to say any more!!

Just,  keep up the good work people!!

More Newborn Cuteness!!!


It seems as though this is my week for newborns... and I couldn't be happier about it.  Check out this little guy!  Isn't he adorable?  And so much hair!!  I love my job.

Sneak Peak from today's newborn shoot!

I had the best newborn shoot today.  This little cutie came in asleep, and stayed asleep through the entire shoot.  She woke up a little at the very end so I could get a picture of her sweet little face with her eyes open (very thoughtful).

Here is a little be of what we got.

Sneak Peak from Monday's family shoot


Had a shoot on Monday with these gorgeous twin girls.  Aren't they beautiful?!  I just had to share.


So, I officially stopped shooting film in 2007, but it was not an easy break up.  We were on again, off again for years!  Now, I hardly ever shoot it.  In fact... I'm sure it had been at least two years since I've loaded a roll of film into my camera.   But last week, in a fit of nostalgia,  I raided the stash that I keep in my fridge, loaded up the old Elan 7 and went to the park with my kids.  It was so fun!!  And I love the way they turned out.

I don't know that I'll ever go back to shooting film for work... but I do love the look and feel of it.

Who knows... maybe we'll get back together some day :)

Happy Birthday Dexter and Harvey

My little boys turn five years old today.  I can hardly believe it!  It seems as though they we just babies!!!

For some reason, this birthday is getting me a little.  Five seems like such a big deal.  It's such a big number....  They're learning to ride bikes, and how to read, and soon they'll be going off to school.  All of the sudden they've turned from tiny little babies into boys... and it's happened in the blink of an eye.   It kind of takes my breath away.

So Happy Birthday to my little Super Heroes!! The loves of my life, and two of the most interesting people I know.

Baby Penny


Little Penny here came in today for her six month portrait shoot... and I have to say, that I think Penny is the cutest name for a little baby girl! But her name isn't the only adorable thing about this child!  Look at those eyes!! Swoon!!!  And little rosey cheeks... and little baby rolls on her legs and arms!  Too cute!!!

I just had to share!

What a Great Mother's Day!!

Well, I had a fantastic Mother's Day.  I woke up late, hung out with my kids, took a walk to the coffee shop in the sunshine, worked in the garden, and then walked up the street and photographed the wedding of my friends and neighbors, Shelley and Gary, who after 25 years (and two adorable kids),  tied the knot in one of the loveliest little ceremonies I've seen in along time!

The wedding took place in their backyard and the only attendees were their moms, their two sons, their dog, and their four chickens.

It was a beautiful day and exactly what a wedding should be; full of love, laughter and good cake!

All the best, and continued happiness to Shelley and Gary.  And happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there. :)