This little cutie wanted nothing to do with having her picture taken, until we told her that she could "dress up" like mommy. She quickly wrapped her self up in some fabric and joined in the fun! I just love these images! So cute!
The last time Charlie came in to get his photo taken, it was with Santa, and he didn't like it very much
Thankfully, today went much better!!
Prepare Yourself for the Cuteness!
I had such a great shoot this afternoon with this cute little peanut! I could not wait to share these!! Enjoy!
Snowpocalypse 2012
So, for those of you who don't live in Seattle, let me enlighten you on a little know fact. We can't deal with weather. Any weather, really. It rains all the time, and yet every time it rains it messes up traffic. We complain that our summer's are cold, and then complain of "heat waves" when the mercury goes above 80 degrees. But most of all, we can't handle snow. The city literally shuts down at the mere threat of it. On Tuesday of this week, our public schools started two hours late because an "Arctic Storm" was coming. We woke on Tuesday to dry streets and clear skies, but took our kids to school two hours late nonetheless. While they were in school it did start to snow... a little. That is when I took these first few pictures. I'm lucky enough to live close to a beach and wanted to get some images of the storm over the water as it hit. Sadly, I was unable to spend much time shooting, as the school district decided to close school two hours early.... sigh.
Later Tuesday night, the snow did come in ernest. We received six inches where I live, which is a very big deal. The boys have been home from school, my husband has been home from work, and we've all been having a ton of fun! Today it's raining, and all the snow will be gone by tomorrow morning. But this storm will no doubt go down in Seattle weather lore as The Great Snowpocalypse of 2012!
Family Photography 101
Okay… I’m doing it! My first ever photography workshop just for moms and dads!!
What it is: A four-hour workshop all about how to get great everyday photos of your kids. We’ll cover photography basics like understanding light, composition and proper exposures. As well as some kid basics, like what works best with what age, and how to bend a toddler to your will!! And after I’ve taught you all my tricks, I’ll turn you loose on our child models so that you can practice what you’ve learned.
I’ll also feed you! How great is that!?
What it is not: This is not a class for professional photographers. This is a class for real people taking everyday portraits. Talk of F-stops and apertures will be replaced by easy tips on how to get great photos without heavy technical know-how. So please do not feel like you have to own a fancy camera to attend. Whatever camera you have will work, be it your Cannon Mark II, your old Olympus point and shoot, or your iPhone. As long as you can learn the basics, you can take a beautiful picture!
What is the price for such a fantastic day of learning? $250
And when will this amazing workshop take place? Feb 18thth, 2011 (10:00 to 2:00 at my Greenwood studio)
So there you have it friends. Please email me to register at
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!
Phinneywood Monthly Art Walk
Hey There! If you are in the Seattle area and looking for something to do this Friday night, consider stopping by Makeda Coffee in Greenwood from 6 to 9. I'll be there showing some of my iPhone photos as part of the Phinneywood Monthly Art Walk. Hope to see you there!
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