Instagram Inspiration

If you follow my blog, then you already know that I’m obsessed with the camera on my iPhone.  Seriously.  I just love it! 

About a year ago I joined Instagram, which has only fueled my obsession.   For those of you who don’t know, Instagram is a photo sharing program that allows you to snap a photo on your phone, run it through a cool filter, and then share it with all of your friends via Facebook, Twitter, or their own Instagram feed.  I’m truly blown away by the gorgeous work that is being made out there!!!  It’s so inspiring!

Since it’s launch in 2010, Instagram has exploded.  The only problem is, what do you do with all of those tiny photos trapped on your  phone?  I personally believe that beautiful pictures should not only be shared, they should be printed!  Luckily, there are many ways to make that happen.

Check out this post I wrote on Little Bellows for all sorts of great ideas!!

Happy Shooting!!

Ava: Dancing

The always adorable Ava

Sneak Peek: Yakima Family Session

I spent my afternoon in beautiful and sunny Yakima, WA working with one of my favorite families!  These pictures are so fun, I just had to put up a quick sneak peek.  But trust me, there are more to come!

From Today....

I had such a great newborn session today.  Just had to share!

Seattle Wedding: In Film

I had the pleasure of working a beautiful wedding last weekend with the lovely and talented Christina Mallet, of Katrinka's Secret.   While we were shooting the couple's portraits, I decided to take out my Rolleiflex, and shoot a few old school film images.  And I'm so glad I did.  Aren't these just so lovely?!

Harvey and Dexter turn six!

Today my babies turn six!  So hard to believe!!  
Happy Birthday H and D!

To my sons
The best of the best. I love watching you guys grow your learning and stretching how your tiny bodies change from chubby little hands to muscly looking arms as you strain to climb just a little higher finally conquering your favorite “climbing tree” out front. I love how your words and questions turn clearer and make more sense with every passing day. I look forward to the times when you come home for the holidays and we can sit and talk about anything. everything. You’re my little men and for now those conversations are more a picture of snuggling, tickling and lots and lots of giggles and kisses. I love these moments and soaking them up as much as I possible can cause I know the day is coming when I’ll stand in the driveway watching you pull away fighting back the tears cause I know how much I’ll miss you, till you’re home for Christmas.
                                                                                          ~ awelltraveledwoman 

My Trip to Dallas: Part Two

Here is a sneak peek from the formal newborn session I shot with the Barker family the day after they brought baby Will home from the hospital.

Isn't he just the cutest little peanut!!

My Trip to Dallas: Part One

I was lucky enough to spend last week in Dallas, helping the lovely Barker family welcome their new baby boy into the world!

I could go on and on about how loving and warm these people are... but there is no need to.  You can see it in every photo!

Congratulations Kelly, Patrick and big sister Jenna!  And welcome to the world Will!

yes, we were pulled over on the way home from the hospital.  LOL!!

Introducing Little Bellows!

For the past five months, my awesome sister-in-law, Cat Thrasher,  and I have been working on a very exciting project! And I'm happy to say, that today is the day that we are finally telling the world all about it! 

 The project is Little Bellows.  A super cool, one of a kind blog, devoted to celebrating great family photography.  

Little Bellows was born from a conversation Cat and I had about what it means to be a family photographer, and the importance of the work that we do, as and art form and heirloom.

We thought it would be so great to have a blog to go to that featured beautiful, well done photography by photographers from all around the world.  And so we made one.  

Our hope is that Little Bellows will be a resource for parents looking for portrait inspiration during their children's growing years.  But also that it will inspire anyone who loves art and appreciates beautiful photography.  

We couldn't be more thrilled with the line up of amazing photographers we already have on board, and can't wait to watch as our little project grows and becomes something fantastic!  

We'll be featuring a new photographer everyday, Monday through Friday.  So come by often, add us to your list of favorite blogs, and leave lots of comments, we want to know what you think!!

you can find us at  as well as on Facebook