Busy, Busy....

Wow... I haven't blogged in a while!  Sorry folks.  But I have been one busy lady.  In addition to working with my wonderful clients, I've been working on a big, top secret project with my super talented sister-in-law Cat Thrasher.  We'll be unveiling it on May 1st, so stay tuned!  And, as if thats not enough, I'm been using any free time I have to go out in the world and shoot with my Rolleiflex (and by the way... it's now officially mine!  Woohoo!)  

This photo I'm posting was taken on the Rolleiflex last weekend.  Aren't they so sweet when they're sleeping!   

Have a great weekend everyone!

Woohoo! NAPCP: 2012 International Image Competition Winners Announced!

Woke this morning to the news that one of my images won the first place ribbon in the NAPCP International Image Competition, babies category!    What a great way to start the day!!

Thank you to all the judges, and, most importantly, to this adorable little girl, and her bunny.

I'm in love with my Rolleiflex

Well... technically it's not mine.  I'm borrowing this beautiful 1953 Rolleiflex from a friend, and hoping desperately that she'll sell it to me.  Isn't it a beauty!!

We weren't even sure if it would work.  But I loaded it up with some film last week and took it for a spin.  It worked... and now I want to take it every where I go.  I even dreamed about it.  Yep, I'm completely in love.

Here is a little peek at what I capture on our first trip out together.  I'm sure I'll be posting more from it soon!


Sunny Seattle Maternity Session!

It has been so rainy and yucky in Seattle lately.  No fun at all.  So when I woke on Saturday morning and saw that the sun was shining, I was instantly in a great mood.  And the day just got better, as I had one fantastic shoot after another.  I'll be sharing them all, so stay tuned!

These images are from Saturday's maternity shoot.  Isn't she gorgeous!!? 

My boys, in film

This is what a typical Sunday looks like in my house.   I think thats why I love these images so much.  Nothing fancy.  Just my kids with their dad, enjoying a rainy Seattle afternoon building legos.  So sweet.

Is there anything better than a newborn baby?

I spent my morning hanging out with this little cutie!

Mr. Personality!!

This is Owen.  He's three.  And, honestly, can he be any cuter?!!  I just love him!