iPhone Headshots!

It is no secret that I love my iPhone camera.  I've posted many a Hipstamatic image here on my blog, and sing the praises of Instragram every chance I get.  So you can image how overjoyed I was to get a call from the lovely and talented Tanya Davis, requesting a profession headshot... but taken with my iPhone!!  I almost died of excitement!!  Thanks Tanya!  You made my day!

Sister Kisses!


Wind, Rain, Sun and Air Force One!


We had some crazy weather here in Seattle this morning.  It was super windy for one!  And we had simultaneous sun and rain!  It made for a fun family shoot for sure!  But then, just as we were getting ready to call it quits, we all looked up, and saw Air Force One flying by!  Just too fun!!

that little dot to the left of the family is Air Force One.  We were all very excited about it.  

Sneak Peek!

I had such a great time at this shoot today...  Just had to share this image.  The light was so pretty and soft!  I love this time of year!

I'm a Finalist!!


Looks like I'm a Finalist in the Red Tricycle "Totally Awesome Awards"!  So exciting!  I would love to win, and so I'm shamelessly asking for your vote!  Just click HERE to vote for me!

Thank you all!!

Sneak Peek!


Good Clean Dog

Oh how I love getting packages in the mail!  Especially when the package contains something pretty  that smells good!!

So a big "thank you" to Cordelia Smith of Good Clean Dog, for sending me over a sample of the swag bags she is preparing for the Pup-A-Palooza event!

Not only are these products adorable!!  They smell AMAZING! I'm seriously considering using them on myself.  Seriously.

I cannot wait to share these with those of you coming to the event.

And for those of you who do not have a dog, but, like me, love pretty things that smell good, check out Cordelia's people products (Sweet Petula) at www.sweetpetula.com!

I love this spritzer.  Have already used it on my dog, and in my office!

Baby Owen!

I had the great pleasure of meeting Mr. Owen Ben-Menachem today!  Owen is the adorable baby of Drory and Marcee, who's wedding I photographed about three years ago! I adore Drory and Marcee!  And I just fell in love with little Owen!  Such a cutie!!

Exciting Pup-A-Palooza Update!

I'm excited to announce that Good Clean Dog will be sponsoring Pup-A-Palooza!

Good Clean Dog is a Seattle company that specializes in making gentle dog care products made with vegetable oils, herbal infusions and pure aromatherapy grade essential oils. They will be providing doggie care goodie bags for all Pup-A-Palooza participants!  How great is that!


I've been thinking lately, why should the kids have all the fun?  Our dogs are family members too!!!  And so with that in mind, I've decided to open my doors to our furry four legged friends, and am launching Sandra Coan Photography's first annual Pup-A-Palooza!!!

This one day only event will take place at my Greenwood studio on Saturday Oct. 1st from 9:00 to 4:00.  Pup portraits are $100 a session, or $150 for Pups with their Peeps.  The session fee includes a twenty minute studio shoot, and an online gallery to share with family and friends.  If you're thinking, "But wait, I want a CD of my images... and maybe a beautiful fine art album that holds 12 custom 4x6 prints!  If only!!"  Well my friend, both of those things will be offered as well!  CDs for $50 and custom fine art albums for $135!  A deal!!  I know!  And really, just in time for the Holidays!

And here's the best part, a portion of the sitting fee will be donated to Seattle's Humane Society!

And wait, there's more! All participants will be treated to an adorable gift bag, full of wonderful doggie products from our friends at Good Clean Dog!  Woohoo!

The Pup sittings are by appointment only, so call or email to set up your appointment today!


Some Early Morning Fairy Dust!

Little Maya here, showed up at her photo shoot this morning, dressed as a fairy!!  The cuteness was almost too much for me to handle!  Just adorable!  I had to race home and get these up on the blog for all of you to see.  Enjoy!

The Holliday Twins!

There was a whole lot of cuteness up at the studio yesterday afternoon!  Check out these adorable little ones!!

First Day of Kindergarten!!!!


Well, today was a big day!  This morning I dropped my two little men off at kindergarten.  Yes, I cried.  No, they didn't.  At one point, Harvey looked at me and said "you can go now Mommy".

I can not believe that the past five years have gone by so fast!  I feel like they were just born!  And while I'm excited to see what this next chapter will bring, I must admit, that I'm a little lonely at the moment, writing this in my very quiet house!

I can't wait to pick them up from school and hear how the day went!

As for me, I'm off to the studio to photograph a set of newborn twins.  Let's hope I don't sob through the entire shoot!!!



A little before school silliness

In line with their awesome teacher, Ms. Baker

Hello Adorable Baby!!!

Isn't this little guy just about the cutest little thing you've ever seen!?