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Please follow the link to visit our new and improved blog

see you there!

Lily and Michelle: In Film

If you saw my post on Lily and Michelle from a couple weeks ago, then you already know that my dear friend and assistant of many years, Lily, married her partner Michelle in a lovely little ceremony that I was honored to be a part of!  It was great!
Here are a few of my favorite pics from the rolls of film I took.
Congrats again Lily and Michelle!

Picture of the Day: Friends

Just two friends, enjoying the view

The O'Neil Sisters

Cute! xoxox

Good News, and Pretty Pictures

So if you read yesterday's blog post, you know that my website went MIA for most of the day.  It was very stressful, and yes, I cried a little.  But the good news is, it's back up and running!  Woohoo! And so now I can concentrate on the things that matter, like sharing pretty pictures!

Here are a few more images from the same session that I shared with you yesterday.  I particularly love the first image, where she is fixing her hair.  Sometimes those "in-between" moments can be so beautiful!

Sad News, But Pretty Pictures

So the saddest, and most frustration thing just happened to me.  My website host somehow lost my website.  What?!!!  I know!!!  They lost it, and then replaced it with a very, very, very old one that hurts my eyes when I look at it.  I'm freaking out!!  I sincerely hope this is all fixed soon!!!

At least I have these gorgeous maternity photos to share with you from yesterday's shoot.  Looking at them makes me feel better!

Picture(s) of the Day: Lily and Michelle Get Married!

Yesterday, my assistant and dear friend, Lily, got married!!  It was a lovely!  
Here are some of my behind the scenes photos (shot on my iPhone)

Congratulations Lily and Michelle!!  xoxoxo

Picture of the Day: My Fellas


  One of my favorite things about shooting film is the delayed gratification.  It was so fun to pick these up from the lab, on a rainy cold day, and remember that is was sunny a couple weeks ago, and that we went to the park, and it was lovely!

This image was shot on my Rolleiflex using Ilford 400 Delta Pro 

Picture of the Day: Have YOU Seen My Chickens?


I saw this sign the other day as I walked through my very urban neighborhood on my way to my studio.  You've got to love the Northwest!

My New Goal!

I'm sure it comes as no surprise to tell you that I love taking pictures.  Really love it.  At any given time, I have at least one of my three favorite cameras on me (the current three favs are, my Canon Mark II, my 1953 Rolleiflex, and my iPhone).  But what I realized (with a little help from a friend) is that I only ever post the pictures I take at work.  And thats just crazy!!!  Because I'm taking pictures all the time, every day, and have so much more to share.

So here it is... my new goal.  A picture a day!  Okay... maybe every other day.  But the point is, I'm going to share more of the photos I take for myself, when I'm out in the world, with my family, just living my life.

I hope you'll enjoy.

This photo was taken about an hour ago as I walked to school to pick up my boys.  This, sadly, is what June looks like in Seattle.  And yes, I'm a little bitter, because I'm tired of wearing rain boots and carrying umbrellas.  I want to wear strappy sandles and paint my toes red.  I want to wear a dress.

Sadly that will probably not happen until July 5th.  The date we here in Seattle call the first day of Summer.

Sneak Peek: Family Session at Seattle's Seward Park

Such a lovely shoot this morning!  Just had to share!

Do you want to know a secret?


When I'm out in the world photographing my own children, I rarely use my DSLR.  How do I get such amazing pictures?  I use my iPhone!
Some of the best pictures I've taken of my own family were taken on an iPhone!
'Cause I've got mad skills!   And I want to teach them all to you!

Please join me on June 24th for my first ever iPhone photography class!  Yes, we'll talk about things like composition and how to frame a great photo, but we'll also talk Instagram, Hipstamatic, Camera +, Snapseed and so much more!  I'll show you how to crop and adjust exposures on your images to turn your snapshots into works of art!
We'll also cover lots and lots of cool ways to print and display your photos!
When:  June 24th from 10:00 to 12:00 
Where:  Sandra’s Greenwood Studio310 NW 85th Street Seattle 98117
Only $150 per person(and I have gift certificates... what an awesome Father's Day gift that would be!)
Spaces are limited and filling up fast, so call or email to get on the list today!
sandra@sandracoan.com  206-841-2260

The Davis Clan

 I had the good pleasure of spending last weekend in beautiful Yakima Washington, photographing my dear friend Tanya Davis and her entire family!  What a hoot!  It was great to be out of the city and surrounded by sunshine, sage, and truly wonderful people.  A big "Thank You" to Tanya and the entire  Davis clan!